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May 8, 2020
How Life Sciences Companies Can Promote Greater Medication Adherence During COVID19 - PharmaExec
As the global COVID-19 pandemic has continued to develop, it has become apparent that people at the highest risk for complications are those who were already experiencing chronic conditions such as diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and heart disease. By John Pagliuca & Prasad Dindigal
April 29, 2020
Getting Ahead of Emerging COVID-19 Hot Spots - For The Record
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has felt like the health care industry has been playing catch-up. Given the fact that the virus and its impact were unknown, clinical leaders and others had to learn about its nature and underlying factors on the fly as they were attempting to treat this devastating pandemic. By Dr. Victor Collymore & Dave Hom
April 24, 2020
How social determinants of health influences emerging COVID-19 hot spots - Dotmed
One of the keys to mitigating the effects and stopping the spread of a devastating disease such as COVID-19 is understanding which populations are most vulnerable and at-risk from exposure. By Dr. Victor Collymore
April 20, 2020
Responding to Covid-19 in insurance operations: Four key stages to accelerate recovery as the "future of work" is redefined - Insurance Hound
The insurance industry is experiencing seismic shifts in day-to-day operations stemming from this invisible yet intensely disruptive contagion Covid-19… By UK Insurance team
April 20, 2020
How managed digital business service can assist in transforming the insurance of the future - Insurance Hound
As a result of digitalisation, insurers are compelled to think radically about the way they assess risks, innovate products, manage claims, and, most importantly, manage customer expectations… By UK Insurance team
April 20, 2020
Case study: Digitally transforming an insurer's closed block operations - Insurance Hound
EXL’s client, a major insurance company faced challenges from the various discontinued products it kept on its books… By UK Insurance Team
April 16, 2020
Post-COVID-19 claims trends: What to expect - Property Casualty 360
COVID-19 makes it difficult to predict what insurers can expect from the future. But we can look back at other crises and gain some meaningful insight into how claims organizations… By Chris Tidball
April 14, 2020
Infographic: Operational resilience reimagined – How the insurance industry can unlock the opportunities - Insurance Hound
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has put operational resilience firmly on the board level agenda of insurance companies. Resilience is also on regulators’ agenda… By UK Insurance team
April 14, 2020
Adaptive framework to manage risk during Covid-19 - Insurance Hound
For insurance leaders, the full impact of the Covid-19 pandemic will unfold over the coming months, but the rapid evolution of the crisis is forcing organisations to constantly evaluate how they are responding today… By UK Insurance team
April 9, 2020
Data Intelligence And Biopharma's COVID-19 Responsibility - BioProcess
For the past two months, the world outside of this industry has been laser-focused on its attempts to speed its way to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Dozens of biopharma firms large and small that have turned their development programs on their ears, reallocating huge resources to explore their molecules’ potential in the war on this pandemic. By Susan Willman