Subrosource™ Industry leading claims recovery platform


Industry leading claims recovery platform


Industry leading claims recovery platform

An analytics-driven subrogation ecosystem that maximizes recovery for your organization

EXL’s Subrosource™ platform encompasses technology, advanced analytics, and patented methodologies to improve both net- and top-line recoveries. Our solution embeds analytics throughout the process to proactively identify opportunities, provide decision support, automated insurance arbitration, and industry leading vendor management. The net result is an industry-leading yield per file. EXL is the largest provider of subrogation solutions in the United States, and the only company to provide solutions that cover the entire recovery eco-system from FNOL through litigation.


Embedded in our multi-line platform is a full recovery suite including salvage, liability deductible recovery, Contention Builder, in-bound demand review, and vendor management. Leveraging Subrosource™ seamless handling transitions, EXL can employ a modular approach to handle select parts of the end-to-end process. For example, EXL could handle only arbitration & vendor management, while you focus on core negotiations.

EXL’s industry leading recovery ecosystem


How is EXL Subrosource™ different?


Recovery platform for subrogation, salvage, liability deductible, and in-bound demand.


Governed triage and workflow process, putting the highest probability files into a path that will have the highest yield


In cases involving uninsured or underinsured parties, EXL has an entire vendor management process that does the heavy lifting, freeing up carrier staff to focus on higher probability cases


Embedded analytics to identify and score files for recovery probability


Claims management system for higher yield claims

Why Subrosource™

  • Largest non-carrier subrogation analytics-driven platform with 1,200 users
  • $20 billion recovered so far for several multinational carriers and two of the top five US PL carriers
  • Connected to 300+ vendors, attorneys and carriers
  • 30,000+ arbitrations filed annually
  • Deployed globally, with multi-language and multi-currency capability
  • Minimal or no IT effort involved. Easy to integrate with multiple claim systems, or can be used as a standalone
Brad Burdick Sandeep Juneja Mark Bernacki
Brad Burdick
SVP, Head of Insurance Platform Services

Brad leads EXL’s Insurance Platform Services business unit with overall responsibility for delivering solutions and services to meet our insurance clients’ needs. With over 30 years of experience in technology, strategy, and operations, Brad’s focus is on combining technology and services to deliver distinctive capabilities. Brad has over 15 years of Insurance industry experience combined with a rich technology and operations background. Brad joined EXL in 2011 as a part if the acquisition of The Hartford Insurance Group subsidiary, Trumbull Services, of which he was the President.

Sandeep Juneja
Vice President - Insurance Platform Services (P&C)

Sandeep Juneja is Vice President with P&C Insurance Platform Services at EXL. He has spent over 22 years in the field of Insurance & Financial services outsourcing, Transformation, Operations Management and M&A. Sandeep has led large projects combining Technology, Operations and Analytics to deliver value for clients across North America and APAC. He has complete his bachelors in Accounting and Masters in Financial Management and International Finance.

Mark Bernacki
AVP, Subrogation

Mark Bernacki leads the subrogation business at EXL with responsibility for operations and the Subrosource® platform. In previous roles within EXL over the past seventeen years, he has owned recovery responsibilities in the Business Intelligence, Operations, and Technology businesses. He was responsible for recovery work including Auto, Property, and Workers Compensation Subrogation and Arbitration, Uninsured Motorist, Salvage, and Overpayments. Bernacki majored in Business Management and minored in Computer Information Systems and Italian at Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI.