Basel III Australian timeline: The clock is ticking
The Race is on to January 2023
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has mandated all Australian banks to comply with Basel III standards by January 2023 or penalties will be incurred. EXL offers the data and analytics expertise to fast track your implementation. After releasing their Basel III roadmap to authorised deposit-taking institutions in June 2021, many firms have enlisted EXL to assist in accelerating the process.

BASEL III - Risk data architecture
Basel III risk data architecture is an expensive element of regulatory compliance where banks face considerable challenges.
Quality data right metrics
Better business decisions
Automation efficiency decision speed
Data transparency & trust
Surpassing compliance needs

Conceptual design with multi-layered data structure covering raw and aggregate data

All data sourced and integrated to handle, consolidate, qualify, transform and derive data attributes

Automated data quality audit, data lineage and data governance processes and workflows

Single source of truth; analytical operations consume and deliver insight to the business with compliance ticked
Push through modelling & analytics
Basel III modelling and analytics are critical elements that use data for better compliance implementation and decision-making. EXL helps tool existing and new systems for compliance, from data source through analysis to final regulatory reporting.

Win the race with EXL
Why run the race alone when you can run it with a proven team of experts who understand the regulations and know how to implement a purpose-driven process for Basel III regulatory compliance? Meet the deadline in stride.