Credit risk analytics

<p>Partnering with your organisation to help you balance growth with risk while reducing costs, through our leading solutions in data and analytics-as-a-service and credit risk analytics</p>
Get in touch

EXL is a leading solutions provider in data and analytics-as-a-service and for credit risk analytics, with a particular expertise in Retail and Small Business Banking. Our services provide your organisation with the talent, tools, and expertise needed to balance growth with risk while reducing costs.

  • 9 of the top 20 global banks partner with EXL
  • HFS top 10 banking and financial services sector service providers (2019)
  • Associate member of UK Finance UK Finance UK Finance
  • Strategic sponsor of European Risk Management Council  European risk management council European Risk management council

How can we assist

  • EXL offers cost-effective, scalable solutions customized to meet client needs
  • Speedy implementation
  • Industry-leading talent
  • Decades of experience
  • Drive better business decisions by gaining deeper insights into customers and decision-driving analysis
  • Ability to break down data siloes and augment existing resources
How can we assist

How can we add value to your organization?

Access to global talent

Scalable, industry-leading talent at a much lower cost than sourcing local resources

Ability to break down data siloes

Take advantage of existing data to gain a better understanding of your customers and their individual levels of risk

Data Expertise

Capabilities of helping clients break down data siloes to enhance agility

Strong credit risk experience

Decades of experience and knowledge of best practices ensures optimal credit risk analytics

Customizable, consultatitve approach

Seamless implementation and ease of integration with existing partner ecosystem and legacy system environment

Scalable solutions

Completely comfortable working across books of business of all sizes

Analytics capabilities

Credit strategy and credit modeling capabilities