A strategic approach to streamlining complex ops

Discover how a leading title services provider achieved key performance gains through digital transformation and EXL’s domain expertise.


EXL’s client, a title services provider, needed to streamline its operations. Their processes involved many complex, interconnected, moving parts. For instance, it encompasses searching for titles and constant liaising with different agents throughout the process. In the United States alone, there are over 3,000 counties, which all keep their own property records. These records cover anything that can impact title ownership, such as marriage or death. This EXL client must be sure that the purported owner of a title is in fact the owner by law. This requires an enormous amount of time and effort. This organization had traditionally been wholly reliant on manual processes, including having employees physically visit individual counties to inspect records. The organization wanted to move away from this reliance and build a more efficient, fully scalable operating model.

Another primary concern for the client was its ability to scale. The mortgage market is cyclical by nature, with upturns and downturns. Upturns have typically required that this organization expand its workforce to meet demand. However, during downturns, they either had to absorb higher human resource costs than was necessary or lay employees off. This lack of ability to scale to meet demand or efficiently reduce workforce size in the case of mortgage market downturns pointed to an overreliance on a now antiquated human-centric model.

In addition to building an automationfocused scalable model, the client’s goal was to better its positioning in the market, explore new revenue streams using data and digital, and pivot towards becoming an innovation leader in the title industry.


This organization chose EXL as its digital transformation partner for its data analytics capabilities, innovative digital solutions, and deep understanding of the industry. The client also wanted to consolidate into EXL’s offshore operating centers to integrate optimal process efficiency for their human-centric model.

Stage 1:

Roadmap development

EXL worked with the client’s C-suite and leveraged agile methodology to assess the client’s existing operations across their business. In 12 weeks, EXL provided a roadmap covering consolidating operations, transitioning to transaction-based pricing (TBP), and implementing digital and analytics to improve efficiency and customer experience.

Stage 2:

Operational consolidation and process excellence

EXL designed and integrated hyperautomation across the client’s operational workflow. This included examining and identifying digital transformation opportunities that could leverage AI, robotic process automation, cloud computing, and machine learning to transform business processes. EXL then scrutinized proof of concepts and assessed each business process to identify inefficiencies and their solutions.

Stage 3:

Conversion to transaction-based pricing:

Next, EXL leveraged operational tools and workflow management solutions to measure and benchmark processes to bring further efficiency. These benchmarks were used to convert the entire operation into a TBP-led arrangement, as well as to provide the client with the flexibility and scalability required to cope with the cyclical nature of the mortgage and title industry.

Stage 4:

Rapid digital transformation

There are four EXL digital cloud-native solutions powering this client’s new technology-led business model:



EXL’s proven data extraction AI solution extracts critical data elements from unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data such as deeds of trust, closing disclosures (CDs), tax statements, and bank statements to automate and enhance the overall title settlement process for the organization.

2. EXL SmartEmail.AI solution

Intelligent email processing enables the client to massively streamline communication processes. This organization communicates with lenders and other stakeholders on a constant basis for title searches and other key functions. This requires close collaboration and communication with various agents, which traditionally occurred via email. EXL automated communications through EXL’s SmartEmail.AI solution, which uses machine learning for automatic intent recognition, and natural language entity extraction and response generation. This solution integrates with cloud-based email servers and provides a unified interface to track multiple email inboxes and reply to emails. The solution dashboard reporting to provide proactive analytics capabilities to prevent SLA non-compliance by flagging emails that have not been actioned.

3. EXL workflow automation

If the client requires specific data, such as to see if an individual has paid property tax, EXL Workflow Automation electronically verifies if the payment has taken place or not. This real-time view into payment status results in multiple improved business productivity outcomes, which has enabled the client to transform the overall operational performance.

4. SmartAudit.AI solution

The organization has been able to implement data to verify that it meets its obligations regarding business practices and regulatory compliance. However, this means that an audit must be performed. Traditionally, auditing was done via sampling. Now, EXL SmartAudit.AI performs audits on all transactions, which provides the client with total visibility in an all-encompassing manner.


EXL hyper-automation center of excellence

The client also benefited from EXL’s hyper-automation center of excellence. This is EXL’s dedicated workforce of cloud architects, hyper-automation engineers, and data scientists. These subject matter experts were instrumental in creating the digital infrastructure and implementing digital solutions like EXL’s SmartAudit.AI, SmartEmail. AI, Workflow Automation, and other solutions.