EXL helps large insurance broker process Certificates of Insurance with speed and efficiency
To effectively service its growing client base, one of the leading insurance brokerage firms in the U.S. had to find a more efficient way of issuing Certificates of Insurance (COIs) to insurance requestors. Requestors require certificate holders to present adequate proof of insurance to reduce their own liabilities and exposures before conducting business.
The client’s process of providing COIs was painfully manual and capital intensive. The primary means of exchanging information with their Requestors was through emails where the necessary details were sent through any means possible. The client also lacked the technology necessary to extract meaningful data from such unstructured requests.
Instead, they were manually processing approximately 500K email requests from 8K+ policy holding companies annually. These emails typically contain a wide assortment of attachments, including spreadsheets, PDFs, text documents, images, including handwritten content. What’s more, the ad-hoc nature of these requests made capacity planning difficult, further impacting turnaround time. The situation called for a more effective, automated, real-time COI solution.
EXL helped a large insurance broker cut Certificate of Insurance processing time by 50% using EXL XTRAKTO.AI™ to auto extract the requested details, saving ~$2M annually.
The client selected EXL as part of a competitive bid. EXL’s knowledge, skillset and digital experience proved suitable.
After an initial discovery and planning phase, EXL built its solution on the cloud and integrated it with the client’s technology ecosystem, providing training, business analysis and change management services to support ongoing efforts.
Central to the solution was EXL XTRAKTO. AI™. It effectively automated COI processing by leveraging state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision capabilities for extracting, classifying and templatizing information across the client’s integrated host systems. EXL XTRAKTO.AI™ AI-powered user interface facilitated quick user validation of data, freeing the company’s dedicated staff to focus on core business activities, while slashing COI processing time and cost.
When the system initially went live, around 50% accuracy was identified. Within three months, the machine learning models were further improved utilizing the feedback from corrected output:
accuracy reading requests and counting
reduction in operating costs
reduction in turnaround time
reduction in dedicated staff
in annual savings
Enhanced customer experience
To learn more about EXL XTRAKTO.AI™ solution, please visit EXL’s website.