Online secure portal that allows the policyholder to self-complete their audit at their convenience
Easy and smart process

How it works
auditstream™ is a secure workflow-based web portal that applies configurable rules and best-practice processes to improve carriers’ overall ROI for premium audit. This platform increases completion rates, improves underwriting results, satisfies state requirements, and increases overall policyholder experience. Using auditstream™, companies can create a one-of-a-kind intuitive workflow portal that reduces manual intervention typically associated with the premium audit process.
Product highlights
Secure platform: SOC2, multi-factor authentication
Intuitive and convenient design for policyholders
24/7 availability to complete premium audits
Chat and live customer support to assist users
National availability with individual state rules included
Workers compensation and general liability tracks available with various exposure types such as payroll, gross sales, total cost, domestic workers, gallons, admissions, and others
Customized branding to carrier-specific logos and color schemes
300% +
audits completed on auditstream™
customer experience
business continuity planning
"EXL’s audit platform is by far the best, most efficient, and innovative of all audit vendor sites out there. Its security is never questioned."
- National director of premium audit at a leading insurance company
Contact us to learn more
Jason Baie Vice President of Premium Audit Sales