Reengineering data management and analytics for customer experience

Strategic partnership with EXL Health, along with the implementation of EXLVANTAGE™, helps turn disparate data into actionable intelligence


Customer success is a pressing concern for any business looking to thrive in today’s competitive world. Not surprisingly, a large healthcare company that provides benefits consulting to employers recently felt the need to elevate its business strategy. The goal for this EXL Health client was to provide a second-to-none customer experience that would help employers successfully manage benefits, reduce costs, improve employee health and enhance productivity.

The problem? While the client had access to ample amounts of data, it found this data difficult to leverage. The client realized that their users were grappling with data that was outdated, unreliable, and difficult to access and understand. The client also lacked the ability to easily aggregate results, provide self-service reporting capabilities, or produce actionable insights.

As a result, the client needed a solution to produce meaningful and reliable data to sustain powerful employer partnerships whose objective is to improve the employee healthcare experience. The client met these challenges by relying on EXL Health to:

  • Coordinate and streamline data intake
  • Integrate large volume of data across 1,500 plus employer groups
  • Create a 360-degree member view for speed to value
  • Personalize interventions and recommendations
  • Empower client analytics and reporting teams to innovate
  • Acquire and retain clients
  • Demonstrate savings
  • Achieve outcomes through curated insights
  • Drive digital engagement


The client worked with EXL Health to implement EXLVantage™, a data aggregation, warehousing, analytics and reporting solution that empowers organizations to measure and manage cost, quality and productivity. With EXLVantage™, the client was in a position to make better decisions, drive actions and create value for employers.

The solution brought a variety of capabilities to the table. Most importantly, with EXLVantage™, the client could leverage data to adopt a whole-person health approach and create a longitudinal 360-degree view of:

  • Cost and utilization by tapping into 90-plus key performance indicator (KPI) categories to identify hot spots
  • Employee health by leveraging disease profile analyses across 80- plus categories and diagnosis groups
  • Compliance by using 450-plus measures including preventative screenings, chronic care gaps and medication adherence
  • Performance by comparing outcomes with robust benchmark with age, gender, region and industry classifications
  • Custom clinical rules creation using our transparent and user driven clinical library interface
  • Enrichment with descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics to drive savings and outcomes

Action-based insights

With EXLVantage™, the client experienced the speed to value needed to turn data into timely, action-based insights that produce valuable results. The client could count on EXLVantage™ to quickly collect, test, augment, synthesize, and publish actionable data from more than 1500 employer groups across 100+ carriers.

In addition, the solution provided the client access to a single source of truth allowing easy identification of opportunities to improve health and reduce cost and proactively design programs for their employer clients to implement and easily track outcomes.

Separate from the competition

EXLVantage™ provided great flexibility, enabling the client to analyze data in a manner that makes it possible to meet its unique business challenges, something other data and analytics organizations were unable to do. The client was able to leverage EXLVantage™ to curate insights that enabled them to:

  • Empower employer groups to identify intervention programs (e.g., back pain, diabetes) to drive better care, quality, and outcomes
  • Fine-tune the specific benefit packages and risk management approach offered to self-funded employer groups in a manner that optimizes outcomes and reduces costs
  • Identify and stratify the specific populations that need attention
  • Integrate with a workflow module for optimal outreach and digital engagement of these populations
  • Deliver better health results by partnering with a variety of digital health companies that help people manage their chronic conditions and overall wellness
  • Centralize reporting across all its employer groups and provide self-serve reporting access to them

Not only did EXLVantage™ empower the client to take these actions, but it also helped them to seamlessly measure results along the way, including measuring ROI. EXLVantage™ leverages artificial intelligence and clinical expertise to demonstrate current and future savings for each of its employer groups. More specifically, the solution produces overall health scorecards for each employer group and provides the ability to drill down into storyboards for each key performance initiative.

Proven, long-term results

By leveraging EXLVantage™ and the strength and deep domain expertise of EXL Health, the client has been able to:

  • Eliminate the need to assign five or more employees to collect data from 3,000 to 4,000 incoming files, validate the data and perform follow up
  • Lessen data lag by moving from quarterly to monthly refresh cycles for all 1,500 employer groups
  • Reduce missed data files by 70% by leveraging data driven tools to manage intake coordination and follow ups
  • Decrease data refresh lag by 50%
  • Improve data quality by tracking and maintaining group level thresholds
  • Centralize and refresh reports within two weeks of data receipt
  • Reduce manual reporting work by 80% by relying on self-reporting
  • Manage employee benefits and population outcomes to realize timely savings from increased productivity
  • Focus on strategically addressing client challenges while offloading routine data coordination work
  • Leverage state-of-the-art analytics models to identify high risk and high-Impactable populations to drive savings
  • Transform the customer experience with interactive, reporting and insights
  • Drive success for employer clients by turning data into actionable intelligence that makes it possible to manage benefits, reduce costs, improve employee health and enhance productivity